
A brief description of what MOPAC is

Features What MOPAC can do

Cooperative Development

How to help with the development of the program

Graphical User Interfaces Graphical programs to help with input and output
Teaching How MOPAC can be used in teaching

Testing and Validation

Installing the executable For users who download the executable and have received a license key
Installing and compiling source For users who have source code for research.
Running  Running in Batch modes
Structure of the  program  
Control within MOPAC
Known faults in MOPAC
Cite MOPAC MOPAC2016, J.J.P. Stewart, Stewart Computational Chemistry, Colorado Springs, CO, USA
MOPAC2016, HTTP://, Version nn.nnn, J.J.P. Stewart, Stewart Computational Chemistry, Colorado Springs, CO, USA
Cite MOPAC's Manual MOPAC Manual, HTTP://