Supplementary Material for the article (back)
"A method for predicting individual residue contributions to enzyme specificity and binding site energies, and its application to MTH1"
 James J. P. Stewart, (2016) Journal of Molecular Modeling 22 (11):259

Figure 3, Figure 5, Figure 6, Figure 7

ARC files used in preparing these tables (5Mb).  HTML files used in preparing these tables (4.5Mb). No common or specific scripts are provided; write individual scripts to suit. To reproduce the results, download the ARC files and run them using MOPAC.  To reproduce the HTML files, download the HTML files and open them using Firefox.  To set up JSmol for use with Firefox, see Instructions.

There are more files in the ZIP files than are used in Tables 2 and 3.  Most of the extra files are intended to be used in making the mutants in the tables. All mutations were constructed by editing files named "MTH1 Chain (A or B) plus (8OG, GMP, or NULL).arc" to replace a residue with the mutated residue from files named "MTH1 Chain (A or B) plus (8OG, GMP, or NULL) - 12 residues.arc" to form a file named ""MTH1 Chain (A or B) plus (8OG, GMP, or NULL) - (residue, e.g., D119).arc"

Files with names such as "MTH1 chain A plus 8OG - F72 - H2O 2134.arc" were used in investigating specific phenomena.  This particular file was used in evaluating the interaction of H2O-2134 with F72.

Table 2

 Energy contribution to the stabilization of 8-oxo-dGMP and dGMP, in kcal∙mol-1

No substrate 8OG Diff  Stabilization GMP Diff.  Stabilization
Asp 119 -23644.90 -24328.99 -684.08 -6.07 -24262.90 -617.99 -5.75
Asp 120 -23655.84 -24330.10 -674.26 -15.89 -24263.40 -607.56 -16.18
Asn 33 -23773.56 -24365.65 -592.08 -14.07 -24300.19 -526.63 -13.12
Leu 9 -23814.97 -24415.26 -600.29 -5.87 -24349.13 -534.16 -5.59
Lys 23 -23893.82 -24492.09 -598.27 -7.89 -24426.03 -532.20 -7.55
Met 81 -23828.01 -24434.66 -606.65 0.49 -24369.51 -541.51 1.76
Trp 117 -23847.76 -24449.51 -601.75 -4.41 -24385.23 -537.47 -2.28
Phe 27  -23854.25 -24457.49 -603.24 -2.92 -24392.04 -537.78 -1.97
Val 83 -23821.84 -24425.62 -603.78 -2.38 -24359.08 -537.24 -2.51
Phe 72 -23847.94 -24449.37 -601.43 -4.73 -24385.15 -537.21 -2.54
Water 2134 -23765.50 -24366.34 -600.85 -5.31 -24301.07 -535.58 -4.17
Trp 123 -23845.34 -24450.28 -604.94 -1.21 -24382.71 -537.37 -2.37
Phe 139 -23842.76 -24448.58 -605.83 -0.33 -24383.16 -540.41 0.66
Sum: -70.59 Sum: -61.62
No mutations -23840.25 -24446.41 -24380.00
Diff. -606.16 -539.75
No mutations
(for D119 and D120 only)
-23756.26 -24446.41 -24380.00
Diff. -690.15 -623.74


Table 3

 Energy contribution to the specificity of the substrates due to systems A and B, in kcal∙mol-1

Chain A Chain B Difference
 in Specificity
8OG GMP Diff. Specificity 8OG GMP Diff. Specificity
Asp 119 -24328.99 -24262.90 -66.09 -0.32 -19307.03 -19240.04 -66.99 -0.27 -0.05
Asp 120 -24330.10 -24263.40 -66.70 0.29 -19298.65 -19231.54 -67.11 -0.16 0.45
Asn 33 -24365.65 -24300.19 -65.45 -0.96 -19351.29 -19285.08 -66.21 -1.05 0.09
Leu 9 -24415.26 -24349.13 -66.13 -0.28 -19392.44 -19325.05 -67.38 0.12 -0.40
Lys 23 -24492.09 -24426.03 -66.06 -0.34 -19471.20 -19404.28 -66.92 -0.35 0.00
Met 81 -24434.66 -24369.51 -65.14 -1.27 -19408.82 -19342.78 -66.03 -1.23 -0.04
Trp 117 -24449.51 -24385.23 -64.29 -2.12 -19436.33 -19371.44 -64.89 -2.38 0.25
Phe 27  -24457.49 -24392.04 -65.46 -0.95 -19434.35 -19366.94 -67.40 0.14 -1.09
Val 83 -24425.62 -24359.08 -66.54 0.13 -19400.40 -19333.20 -67.20 -0.06 0.19
Phe 72 -24449.37 -24385.15 -64.22 -2.19 -19424.21 -19360.74 -63.47 -3.79 1.60
Water 2134 -24366.34 -24301.07 -65.27 -1.14 -19342.02 -19275.74 -66.28 -0.99 -0.15
Trp 123 -24450.28 -24382.71 -67.57 1.16 -19424.93 -19357.47 -67.47 0.20 0.96
Phe 139 -24448.58 -24383.16 -65.42 -0.99 -19424.55 -19358.75 -65.80 -1.47 0.48
Sum: -8.97 Sum: -11.28 2.31
Unmodified -24446.41 -24380.00 -66.41 -19421.98 -19354.72 -67.26 0.85
= -1.29%