Statistical Analysis of Accuracy of Methods in MOPAC


This statistical analysis allows the accuracy of the various methods in MOPAC to be compared.  It is impossible to do an exact comparison of the various methods, because the sets of elements in each method are different, but the results presented here are a good-faith attempt to provide unbiased information. 

The color code for errors compares various methods to PM7.  If the average unsigned error for a given property for a given method is less than that for PM7, the number is in blue; it it is greater, the number is in red.  Where the data-sets for a given property for a given method are identical to that for PM7, the number of data in the data-set is in black, otherwise it is in red.





All normal molecules


ΔHf -Per Element


Bond lengths


Bond angles




Ionization Potential

Sets of normal molecules


ΔHf -Per Set


Bond lengths


Bond angles




Ionization Potential

All solids


ΔHf and Geometries per Element


Graph of Densities

Solids by element


Periodic Table




Solid Elements

All weak interactions


Intermolecular Energy