
glycine   1049 Glycine

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    #  Species Formula
  1039 9,10-PhenanthroquinoneC14H8O2
  1040 Nitrogen dioxideNO2
  1041 Nitrogen dioxide (Geo)NO2
  1042 Nitrous acid (cis)( (Geo)HNO2
  1043 Nitrous acid (trans) ( (Geo)HNO2
  1044 Nitrous acid, cisHNO2
  1045 Nitrous acid, transHNO2
  1046 Methyl nitriteCH3NO2
  1047 NitromethaneCH3NO2
  1048 Ethyl nitriteC2H5NO2
  1049 Glycine C2H5NO2
  1050 Methyl carbamateC2H5NO2
  1051 NitroethaneC2H5NO2
  1052 AlanineC3H7NO2
  1053 beta-AlanineC3H7NO2
  1054 IsopropylnitriteC3H7NO2
  1055 N-MethylglycineC3H7NO2
  1056 Propyl nitriteC3H7NO2
  1057 UrethaneC3H7NO2
  1058 Methyl cyanoacetateC4H5NO2
  1059 SuccinimideC4H5NO2

ΔHf: -93.7 kcal/mol,     REF: J. O. Cox, G. Pilcher, "Thermochemistry of Organic and Organometallic Compounds," Academic Press, New York, N.Y., 1970.

 HR=C&P1970 H=-93.7
  C     0.01885081 +1   0.01891259 +1   0.00007707 +1
  C     1.53107436 +1  -0.01264068 +1   0.00008862 +1
  N     2.13571993 +1   1.32108309 +1   0.00054017 +1
  H     1.89744042 +1  -0.58346316 +1   0.88962723 +1
  H     1.89736367 +1  -0.58279810 +1  -0.89014012 +1
  O    -0.70096869 +1   0.98120965 +1   0.00033110 +1
  O    -0.47947523 +1  -1.24126167 +1  -0.00045776 +1
  H    -1.46809205 +1  -1.28476050 +1  -0.00043656 +1
  H     1.88369682 +1   1.85362401 +1  -0.81913407 +1
  H     1.88130969 +1   1.85415957 +1   0.81912689 +1