
4,5,9,10-tetrahydropyrene    281 4,5,9,10-Tetrahydropyrene

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    #  Species Formula
   271 4-MethylphenanthreneC15H12
   272 1-MethyldiadamantaneC15H22
   273 3-MethyladamantaneC15H22
   274 4-MethyldiadamantaneC15H22
   275 6-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-2,3-dihydro-1,1-dimethyl-1H-IndeneC15H22
   276 n-NonylcyclohexaneC15H30
   277 PentadecaneC15H32
   278 FluorantheneC16H10
   279 PyreneC16H10
   280 2,7-DimethylphenanthreneC16H14
   281 4,5,9,10-Tetrahydropyrene C16H14
   282 9,10-DimethylphenanthreneC16H14
   283 (2.2)MetaparacyclophaneC16H16
   284 [2.2]MetacyclophaneC16H16
   285 [2.2]ParacyclophaneC16H16
   286 1,2,3,6,7,8-HexahydropyreneC16H18
   287 Tricyclo[]-hexadecaneC16H28
   288 1-HexadeceneC16H32
   289 DecylcyclohexaneC16H32
   290 n-UndecylcyclopentaneC16H32
   291 n-DodecylcyclopentaneC17H34

ΔHf: 21.6 kcal/mol,     REF: NIST Chemistry WebBook, NIST Standard Reference Database, No. 69; W. G. Mallard, P. J. Linstrom, Eds., National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersberg,

 H=21.6 HR=NIST
  C     0.00000000 +0    0.0000000 +0    0.0000000 +0     0     0     0
  C     1.40065153 +1    0.0000000 +0    0.0000000 +0     1     0     0
  C     2.85913752 +1  164.6019703 +1    0.0000000 +0     1     2     0
  C     1.53702699 +1   60.7914352 +1 -117.9780541 +1     3     1     2
  C     1.40074239 +1  120.1460160 +1  -90.8658262 +1     1     2     3
  C     1.39414085 +1  119.7580403 +1   90.7717762 +1     2     1     3
  C     1.49753671 +1  119.1122981 +1 -178.5398390 +1     2     1     6
  C     1.53712822 +1  111.4054474 +1  -34.3182781 +1     7     2     1
  C     1.49740375 +1  111.4122068 +1   49.6076930 +1     8     7     2
  C     1.40072761 +1  119.0861167 +1  -34.5851138 +1     9     8     7
  C     1.39327047 +1  119.9341566 +1    0.2001792 +1     6     2     1
  C     1.39337968 +1  120.4738801 +1   -0.0761096 +1    11     6     2
  C     1.40048620 +1  120.1604387 +1 -178.7139642 +1    10     9     8
  C     1.39420046 +1  119.7347814 +1   -0.1649759 +1    13    10     9
  C     1.39330377 +1  119.9391335 +1    0.2780588 +1    14    13    10
  C     1.39351077 +1  120.4888574 +1   -0.1280676 +1    15    14    13
  H     1.10769087 +1  157.0000460 +1  -70.8886844 +1     3     1     4
  H     1.11272574 +1   97.1854787 +1  179.4972605 +1     3     1    17
  H     1.11289265 +1  109.6530347 +1 -104.1803998 +1     4     3     1
  H     1.10753869 +1  111.3472536 +1 -122.8404418 +1     7     2     8
  H     1.10747626 +1  109.7452588 +1  123.8148051 +1     8     7     9
  H     1.10745550 +1  109.7446758 +1 -115.8727642 +1     4     3    19
  H     1.08680284 +1  120.1173411 +1  179.9818603 +1     6     2    11
  H     1.08679592 +1  120.1306650 +1  179.9233791 +1    14    13    15
  H     1.08836530 +1  119.7552418 +1  179.9804743 +1    15    14    16
  H     1.08674649 +1  119.9175045 +1  179.8879306 +1    16    15    14
  H     1.11289866 +1  108.7013922 +1 -116.2036476 +1     7     2    20
  H     1.11299147 +1  109.6170025 +1  115.7864877 +1     8     7    21
  H     1.08836460 +1  119.7746412 +1  179.9597260 +1    11     6    12
  H     1.08676882 +1  119.9326113 +1  179.8693826 +1    12    11     6